5.3 Finding a Favorable Focal Point Quiz

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  1. Fill in the blank to complete the translation of Sutra 1.34 that was provided in the lesson.1

    Or (calm the mind) by repeated focus the release of breath.

  2. Fill in the blank to complete the translation of Sutra 1.35 that was provided in the lesson.1

    Or (calm the mind) by to cognition of sense perception.

  3. Fill in the blank to complete the translation of Sutra 1.36 that was provided in the lesson.1

    Or (steadfastly bind focus on) .

  4. Fill in the blank to complete the translation of Sutra 1.37 that was provided in the lesson.1

    Or think about being for things.

  5. Fill in the blank to complete the translation of Sutra 1.38 that was provided in the lesson.1

    Or comes in cognizance of arising from moments of deep sleep.

  6. Fill in the blank to complete the translation of Sutra 1.39 that was provided in the lesson.1

    Or by focusing in .

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