5.3- Transforming the Body with Asana 3 Quiz

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  1. The student has stopped at her tapas point . Which of the following elements of the pose is an example of proprioception limiting her ability to fold more deeply?1
    Dandasana to Pascimmotanasana
  2. The student has stopped at her tapas point . Which of the following elements of the pose is an example of a lack of strength limiting her ability to fold more deeply?1
    Dandasana to Pascimmotanasana
  3. This person has reached the end range of this asana. Where in the body would a lack of flexibility prevent coming into the full pose?1
    Plank to Chaturanga
  4. This person has reached the end range of this asana. How might a lack of proprioception prevent coming fully into the pose with optimal alignment?1
    Plank to Chaturanga
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