Stretch & Roll: Chapter 6

You must first complete Stretch & Roll: Chapter 5 before viewing this Lesson


The first modification covered uses a couch cushion in place of a bolster for students taking the class via livestream that do not have a bolster available to them. Examples: using the cushion to support the head in cobblers pose, using the cushion to support the torso and forehead in pigeon pose.  

The second modification covered is for students that have a deep back bending practice or a naturally open thoracic spine/shoulders, for who the traditional supported fish set up might not feel like a deep enough opening. Using either a yoga wheel, or stacking 2-3 blocks on the lowest setting to be placed across the shoulder blades, allowing the head to fall back. Make sure the students sits bones remain grounded into the mat.  

The third and final set of modifications covered is aimed for students who may have knee pain, low back pain, spinal injuries, or general tightness in the low back. Many of the seated poses can be converted to supine position with legs being supported by the wall. The following poses can be done on the back against the wall as an option

  1. Dragonfly pose 
  1. Half Dragonfly pose 
  1. Shoe lace/ Double pigeon  
  1. Pigeon/ Fig. 4 
  1. Butterfly pose 
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