2.2 The Wisdom of Stillness Quiz

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  1. Choose the given translation of the term “atha?”1
  2. Choose the given definition of “yogash.”1
  3. Choose the given definition of “yoga.”1
  4. Choose the given translation of the term “anu?”1
  5. Choose the given translation of the term “shasanam?”1
  6. Choose the given translation of the term “citta?”1
  7. Choose the given translation of the term “vrtti?”1
  8. Choose the given translation of the term “nirodha?”1
  9. Choose the given translation of the term “dvandva?”1
  10. Which of the following is Sutra 1.1, as presented in this lesson?1
  11. Which of the following is Sutra 1.2, as presented in this lesson?1
  12. Which of the following is Sutra 1.3, as presented in this lesson?1
  13. Which of the following is Sutra 1.4, as presented in this lesson?1
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