8.1 Growing a Practice- Patanjali’s Eight Limbs Quiz

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  1. What was the given translation for “saucha?1
  2. What was the given translation for “brahmacharya?”1
  3. What was the given translation for “dhyana?”1
  4. What was the given translation for “ashtanga?”1
  5. What was the given translation for “niyama?1
  6. What was the given translation of the term “santosha?”1
  7. What was the given translation for “dharana?”1
  8. What was the given translation for “ahimsa?”1
  9. What was the given translation for “asana?”1
  10. What was the given translation for “samadhi?”1
  11. What was the given translation for “satya?”1
  12. What was the given translation of the term “ishvarapranidhana?”1
  13. What was the given translation for “aparigraha?”1
  14. What was the given translation of the term “svadhyaya?”1
  15. What was the given translation of the term “tapa?”1
  16. What was the given translation for “samyama?”1
  17. What was the given translation for “asteya?”1
  18. What was the given translation for “yama?1
  19. What was the given translation for “pranayama”?1
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