4.1 Introduction to Competencies About Movement Quiz

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  1. When we use this process, we do not need to know whether each practitioner’s limitation is one of strength, flexibility, or knowledge and skill.1
  2. This process will take each practitioner into and out of the most ideal depth for them on that day.1
  3. In order to use this process most effectively, the teacher needs to determine whether the limiting factor for each teacher is one of strength, flexibility, or knowledge and skill.1
  4. This process allows you to teach individual practices to a group of people.1
  5. This process encourages the practitioner to rely on the identity they had before the class started, in terms of how experienced or flexible they are.1
  6. This process is best for classes where every student does the same thing for every pose.1
  7. When we teach to practice using this process, each practitioner is required to be observant of what is happening with them in the present moment.1
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