9.2- Core Musculature and Function 2 Quiz

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  1. The term Mula Bandha can be anatomically described as engaging which of the following?1
  2. The term Uddiyana Bandha can be anatomically described as engaging which of the following?1
  3. The term Uddiyana Bandha translates to English as:1
  4. Which muscle(s) was/were stated to be the one(s) that is/are most useful to stabilizing the lumbar spine via global core musculature?1
  5. The connective tissue labeled with #5 is called the:1
    Core Musculature
  6. The muscle(s) labeled with #1 is/are:1
    Core Musculature
  7. The muscle(s) labeled with #2, which run from one side of the ribcage to the opposite side of the pelvis, is/are:1
    Core Musculature
  8. The muscle(s) labeled with #3 is/are:1
    Core Musculature
  9. The muscle(s) labeled with #4, which run from the center of the front abdomen around the waist toward the spine, is/are:1
    Core Musculature
  10. The muscle(s) labeled with #6 is/are:1
    Posterior Stabilizers
  11. The muscle(s) labeled with #7 is/are:1
    Posterior Stabilizers
  12. When the Rectus Abdominis is in the Agonist muscle role, it initiates:1
  13. The Transverse Abdominis stabilizes the lumbar spine by directly holding its vertebrae in place.1
  14. Unilateral contraction of the Quadratus Lumborum initiates1
  15. Biilateral contraction of the Quadratus Lumborum initiates1
  16. Unilateral contraction of the Obliques initiates1
  17. Bilateral contraction of the Obliques initiates1
  18. One of the stated functions that some pelvic floor muscles play in global core stability is1
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