8.1- The Pelvis, Hips and Sacroiliac 1 Quiz

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  1. In the image, the section of the pelvis labeled with “A” is1
    Pelvis Multiple Views
  2. In the image, the section of the pelvis labeled with “H” is1
    Pelvis Multiple Views
  3. In the image, the section of the pelvis labeled with “G” is1
    Pelvis Multiple Views
  4. In the image, the section of the pelvis labeled with “F” is1
    Pelvis Multiple Views
  5. In the image, the section of the pelvis labeled with “E” is1
    Pelvis Multiple Views
  6. In the image, the section of the pelvis labeled with “D” is1
    Pelvis Multiple Views
  7. In the image, the section of the pelvis labeled with “B” is1
    Pelvis Multiple Views
  8. In the image, the section of the pelvis labeled with “C” is1
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