7.1- The Vertebral Column and Thorax 1 Quiz

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  1. The curve labeled with the letter “A” is which kind of curve?1
    Vertebral Column 1
  2. The curve labeled with the letter “C” is which kind of curve?1
    Vertebral Column 1
  3. The curve labeled with the letter “B” is which kind of curve?1
    Vertebral Column 1
  4. The curves labeled with the letters “A” and “C” are examples of what kind of curve?1
    The Curves of the Spine
  5. The curves of the spine labeled with the letters “B” and “D” are examples of what kind of curve?1
    The Curves of the Spine
  6. The section of the spine labeled “D” is the1
    The Curves of the Spine
  7. The section of the spine labeled “C” is the1
    The Curves of the Spine
  8. The section of the spine labeled “A” is the1
    The Curves of the Spine
  9. The section of the spine labeled “B” is the1
    The Curves of the Spine
  10. The section of the spine labeled “E” is the1
    The Curves of the Spine
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