4.3- Muscle Roles and Types of Contraction 3 Quiz

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  1. A muscle is behaving as an agonist when:1
  2. A muscle contraction is isometric when:1
  3. A muscle contraction is concentric when:1
  4. A muscle contraction is eccentric when:1
  5. When a muscle is behaving as a stabilizer, it is:1
  6. When a muscle is behaving as an agonist, it is:1
  7. A muscle is behaving as a stabilizer when:1
  8. A muscle is behaving as an antagonist when:1
  9. When a muscle is behaving as an antagonist, it is:1
  10. In this transition, the bone at 2 is brought toward the bone at 1. That means that muscles between those bones are in which role?1
    Tadasana to Urdhva Hasta in Tadasana
  11. In this transition, the muscles between which bones are behaving as antagonists?1
    Tadasana to Urdhva Hasta in Tadasana
  12. In this transition, the muscles between which bones are behaving as stabilizers?1
    Tadasana to Urdhva Hasta in Tadasana
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