4.1 The God Thing Quiz

Please sign up for the course before taking this quiz.
  1. The given translation for the term “ishvara” was:1
  2. The given translation for the term “pranidhana” was:1
  3. The given translation for the term “purusha” was:1
  4. The given translation for the term “bijam” was:1
  5. The given translation for the term “guru” was:1
  6. Fill in the blank to complete the translation of Sutra 1.23 that was provided in the lesson.1

    Or it (accurate discernment) is attained through with contemplation of the true self.

  7. Fill in the blank to complete the translation of Sutra 1.26 that was provided in the lesson.1

    (Ishvara) is the , and is not affected by time.

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