3.3- Introduction to Muscle Function 3 Quiz

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  1. Select the statement that is true for the pose pictured.1

    Click on the image to open a larger image in a new tab.

  2. Select the statement that is true for the transition from the top pose to the bottom pose.1

    Click on the image to open a larger image in a new tab.

    Bhujangasana to Urdhva Mukha Svanasana
  3. In #6, the teacher is pressing on the arms. That action (the teacher helping) is an example of which of the following?1

    Click on the image to open a larger image in a new tab.

    Collage of Asana
  4. In the pose labeled with #3, the spine may be rounded because the practitioner is relying more on gravity to deepen the forward bend, instead of by direct muscular contraction.1

    Click on the image to open a larger version in a new tab.

    Collage of Asana
  5. In the transition from #1 to #2, which force likely bends the knees?1

    Click on the image to open a larger version in a new tab.

    Halasana to Karnapidasana
  6. In the transition from #1 to #2, which force likely keeps the elbows straight?1
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