3.2- Introduction to Muscle Function 2 Quiz

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  1. When moving from the top pose to the bottom pose, what is the location of the muscles that straighten the elbows?2
    Chaturanga to Plank
  2. When moving from the top pose to the bottom pose, what is the location of the muscles that keep the knees straight?2
    Chaturanga to Plank
  3. When moving from the top pose to the bottom pose, what is the location of the muscles that deepen the bend at the hips?2
    Ardha Pascimottanasana to Pascimottanasana
  4. When moving from the top pose to the bottom pose, what is the location of the muscles that keep the upper back from rounding2
    Ardha Pascimottanasana to Pascimottanasana
  5. When moving from the top pose to the bottom pose, what is the location of the muscles that straighten the knees?2
    Karnapidasana to Halasana
  6. When moving from the top pose to the bottom pose, what is the location of the muscles that keep the elbows straight?2
    Karnapidasana to Halasana
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