2.8 Step Six- Make It Well Rounded Quiz

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  1. Which of the following is Step Six of the Seven Step Sequencing Method?1
  2. One of the three stated elements of a well-rounded class is that it includes ab work.1
  3. One of the three stated elements of a well-rounded class is that it includes only traditional asanas and their variations.1
  4. One of the three stated elements of a well-rounded class is that students do one of each type of pose.1
  5. One of the three stated elements of a well-rounded class is that students leave the class feeling better than they did when they arrived.1
  6. One of the three stated elements of a well-rounded class is that the class has a clear beginning, middle and end.1
  7. One of the three stated elements of a well-rounded class is that all of the body’s joints move in their full available range of motion.1
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