2.7 Step Five- Add Counter Poses As Needed Quiz

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  1. Which of the following is Step Five of the Seven Step Sequencing Method?1
  2. What is the stated definition of a counter pose?1
  3. Counter poses are required in all sequences that follow this process.1
  4. One of the pose categories that was mentioned as most often needing counter-posing was big backbends.1
  5. One of the pose categories that was mentioned as most often needing counter-posing was big forward bends.1
  6. One of the pose categories that was mentioned as most often needing counter-posing was twists.1
  7. One of the pose categories that was mentioned as most often needing counter-posing was inversions where there is weight on the neck, like shoulderstand or headstand.1
  8. Which of the following was recommended as a way to counter pose big backbends?1
  9. Which of the following was recommended as a way to counter pose headstand?1
  10. Which of the following was recommended as a way to counter pose shoulderstand?1
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