2.6 Step Four- Put the Poses in Order Quiz

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  1. Which of the following is Step Four of the Seven Step Sequencing Method?1
  2. One of the stated guidelines for how to order poses is that you will often order them from what you think is easier for your students to what you think is harder for them..1
  3. In Step Four, new poses are added to the sequence.1
  4. One of the stated guidelines for how to order poses is that you will group poses so that you focus on one of the previously identified component at a time.1
  5. One of the stated guidelines for how to order poses is that you will order them from simple to more complex poses.1
  6. Upon completion of Step Four, you should have a well-rounded sequence.1
  7. Which of the following was stated to be the most important factor in determining how you order your poses?1
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