2.4 Karma Is a What? Quiz

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  1. What was the given translation of the term “heya?”1
  2. What was the given translation of the term “karma?”1
  3. What was the given translation of the term “samskara?”1
  4. What was the given translation of the term “svadhyaya?”1
  5. What was the given translation of the term “tapa?”1
  6. Fill in the blank to complete the translation of Sutra 2.10 that was provided in the lesson.1

    When pain that should be avoided is not active, .

  7. Fill in the blank to complete the translation of Sutra 2.11 that was provided in the lesson.1

    When pain that should be avoided is actively happening, .

  8. Fill in the blank to complete the translation of Sutra 2.16 that was provided in the lesson.1

    Avoid pain.

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