13.3- Structure and Function of the Feet and Ankles Quiz

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  1. The bone labeled “B” is the1

    Please click on the image to open it in a new tab, then refer to it for questions 1-8.

    Dorsal View of Foot
  2. The bone labeled “Q” is the1
  3. The bone labeled “K” is the1
  4. The bones labeled “M through Q” are the1
  5. The bone labeled “L” is the1
  6. The bone labeled “C” is the1
  7. The bone labeled “D” is the1
  8. The bone labeled “A” is the1
  9. With which aspect of the talus does the tibia articulate?1
  10. The position of the ankle in this image is called:1
  11. To initiate plantarflexion via muscular contraction, where would the agonist muscles be generally located?1
  12. The position of the foot in this position, in the coronal plane, is called:1
    Prasarita Padottanasana C
  13. The position of the standing foot in this image is called:1
    Utthita Hasta Padangusthasana 2
  14. Choose the best answer. The muscles that can contract to lift the arches of the foot are located on which part or parts of the lower leg?1
  15. Terms for ankle position refer to movement in which plane or planes?1
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