13.1- Structure and Function of the Knees Quiz

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  1. Select the statement that is accurate with regard to the bones in the illustration.1
    The Knee 1
  2. Select the statement that is accurate with regard to the connective tissue in this illustration.1
    The Knee 1
  3. Select the statement that is accurate with regard to the bones in this illustration:1
    The Knee 1
  4. Select the statement that is accurate with regard to the movements, positions, muscle groups, and muscle roles with regard to the bones labeled in this illustration:1
    The Knee 1
  5. Select the statement that is accurate with regard to the movements, positions, muscle groups, and muscle roles with regard to the bones labeled in this illustration.1
    The Knee 1
  6. The main movements that the MCL and LCL are meant to help prevent are:1
  7. The main movements that the ACL and PCL are meant to help prevent are:1
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