11.5- Structure and Movement of the Glenohumeral Joint 2 Quiz

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  1. The position of the glenohumeral joint at #1, in the sagittal plane, is1
    Glenohumeral Assessment 1
  2. The position of the glenohumeral joint at #2, in the transverse plane, is1
    Glenohumeral Assessment 1
  3. The position of the glenohumeral joint at #3, in the sagittal plane, is1
    Glenohumeral Assessment 1
  4. The position of the glenohumeral joint at #4, in the sagittal plane, is1
    Glenohumeral Assessment 1
  5. The position of the glenohumeral joint at #3, in the sagittal plane, is1
    Glenohumeral 3
  6. Choose the statement that is true for this image with regard to the position of the glenohumeral joints in the coronal plane.1
    Glenohumeral Joint 2
  7. The position of the glenohumeral joint at #3, in the coronal plane, is1
    Glenohumeral 3
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