11.1- Landmarks of the Scapulae Quiz

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  1. The term for the landmark labeled “1” is1

    Please click on this image to open it in a new tab, then refer to it for all of the following questions.

    Landmarks of the Scapulae
  2. The term for the landmark labeled “2” is1
  3. The term for the landmark labeled “3” is1
  4. The term for the landmark labeled “4” is1
  5. The term for the landmark labeled “5” is1
  6. The term for the landmark labeled “6” is1
  7. The term for the landmark labeled “7” is1
  8. The term for the landmark labeled “8” is1
  9. The term for the landmark labeled “9” is1
  10. The term for the landmark labeled “10” is1
  11. The term for the landmark labeled “11” is1
  12. The term for the landmark labeled “12” is1
  13. The term for the landmark labeled “13” is1
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