10.1- The Hip / Lumbar Relationship in Asana 1 Quiz

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  1. When in Mountain Pose | Tadasana, introducing hip flexion without changing anything else would most likely result in which?1
  2. When in Mountain Pose | Tadasana, introducing lumbar extension without changing anything else would most likely result in which?1
  3. When in Mountain Pose | Tadasana, which of the following would likely happen as a result of adding hip flexion?1
  4. When in Mountain Pose | Tadasana, which of the following would likely happen as a result of adding hip extension?1
  5. Assuming that the sacroiliac is stable, in a forward bending (hip flexion) asana, attempting to deepen the fold after the hip joints have met their full range of motion in flexion will most likely result in the following misalignment:1
  6. Limited range of motion in hip flexion could be the result of:1
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