1.1 Born in India Quiz

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  1. According to the information in this lesson, when were the Vedas composed?1
  2. According to the information in this lesson, when were the Upanishads composed?1
  3. According to the information in this lesson, when were the Yoga Sutras of Patanjali composed?1
  4. Which of the following was not among the four stated assumptions in ancient Indian culture?1
  5. According to the lesson, knowing a bit about Indian culture is helpful in discerning which elements of the philosophy apply to all, and which may be more culture-specific.1
  6. The worldview expressed in the Vedas is supported by recent discoveries in quantum mechanics.1
  7. Which statement best aligns with the definitions given for, and the metaphor used in the lesson to distinguish between brahman and atman?1
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